1854, Cholera disease had spread in SOHO, England. Due to which many people had died, no one was able to understand what is the reason of this disease and why it was happening to all. All the authorities then felt that this must be happening due to wind.

Because England's air was very bad at that time, but then in this terrible situation a visionary doctor named john snow comes who starts doing deep research about this. And then draw a map. In this map he marks the facts, reasons and location of people who started having cholera initially and people who are dying.

By making this map, Doctor Snow realizes that all the data he has marked is pointing to just one thing on the map and that is the water pump that is located right in the middle of SOHO. And seeing this, he understand that cholera is spreading from water, not from air. After which he  shows these ideas and research to authorities and convinces them to stop water supply.

By which everything starts changing and right. They purify the water and the world comes to know a very big thing which saves the lives of many people. The author had been dealing with this cholera disease many times while working in his career. Which taught him a lot of inspirations and the main thing, after researching this story. He came to know the truth that many people did not know.

Most people thought that the idea of cholera from water came from John during mapping it, whereas the reality was that the doctor was getting this idea long ago that cholera is probably from water. He had been working on this theory for 6 years before being in the SOHO.

And the map that he had created was made for the authorities so that he can convince them and prove his theory. Even his research on cholera was not his main job. it was just like his hobby or side project on which He was working to break his boring working patterns. Snow did not complete this research alone. He was accompanied by another man named Henry Whitehead, who was a church priest.

He was not related to the field of science at all, but still he was the main part of this research. His thinking and understanding was completely different from Snow. Which helped a lot in this research. Because his contacts were very good with the local people, so he also knew the people around him well.

With the help of which both of them were able to easily track the different cases and by collecting the data. They were able to make the final map. Which was the main reason for convincing the authorities and to proof their theory. Now from this story and from the research of the author, which has been done in a very different field like history, biology etc.

From these, the author tells us many important points by following them we can also create great ideas.


If I ask you, what do you think most of the great ideas will come from. Specifically from which place. Then most people will say, from a research lab where people keep experimenting. But the author says no. Most of the ideas do not come when you are sitting alone doing research in a lab. but the idea has come to a place where people discus their thoughts with free minds with each other such as in a coffee shop or cafeteria.

Ideas and innovation had increased in England when people started drinking coffee instead of drinking alcohol by going to a coffee shop where they used to share his ideas and thoughts with people from different fields. So we should also create a group of people. With whom we can share and create our ideas, it would be better to keep our network diverse means to talk and discuss with people from different fields.

Because by this we will get different perspective of everything. Which can improve our simple ideas and make them great. Some of the greatest ideas in the world are not made by the research of a single man. But rather by connecting or modifying different ideas of other people with their ideas. 

Therefore, you should also create a group in which you talk about ideas instead of gossip and wasteful things. Remember Small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Great minds discuss ideas - Eleanor Roosevelt.


When a person keeps repeating the same routine in his life. then, usually his brain does not think of some new ideas because he does not need anything. But when he breaks his pattern and does something new such as goes to a new place with meets with new people. something different than usual. then, his brain starts working in a new way.

Due to which the chances of coming new and great ideas increase. So you also keep some chaos in your life. It will help your brain to produce great ideas.


Most people think that great ideas come to people suddenly with a Eureka moment. Which brings him an awesome idea that changes everything, but it is not true. Because most great ideas are made in slow hunches with a lot of time. Tim Berners-Lee had read a book with which he worked on this topic for almost 20 years after being an inspiration.

Then he created  World Wide Web. which is a big part of the Internet, it came in the ​existence and became the reality that we all use today and maybe you will be using it now so don't think that you will keep thinking and suddenly you will get a great idea. which will make you successful

Rather, you should start taking action with one of your normal idea. By the time that idea will also develop and improve or maybe in the process you will come up with another and better idea which will make you successful.

These are the some points which i have told you from the book "where good ideas come from by steven johnson".

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