John Medina is a development Molecular biologist. His research area is isolation and characterization of genes involved in human brain development. John J. Medina spent his maximum career in understanding mental health, and only then did he wrote 12 rules about the brain in his book brain rules and today we will learn brain rules from this book. And learn such methods by which brain performance can be increased up to 34%.

John says, This is because our brain was made with a body that would run 12 miles a day thousands of years ago. Therefore, our also brain perform better. when we do aerobic exercise i.e in which exercise our heart rate increases, it is because during exercise blood reaches in the brain which gives the brain energy and glucose which removes toxic electrons from the brain. 

So Let's start with amazing brain rules

#1 exercise boosts brain power

Author met two people Jim and Frank both had ages in the mid 80s. Jim used to spend his time on wheel chair and kept staring at the walls,starting crying without any thing, forget many things. In short he was just waiting for his death. But Frank was absolutely opposite. He did not look like 80s despite being 80s. He was very active and was enjoying his life, obviously frank do exercises, but the researchers just wanted to know if his memory was better due to exercise and had less diseases or some other reason.

The question was, whether it was just a human observation that there could be mistakes or could it be proofed by the experiments, so researchers started experimenting and in every experiment it turned out that the people who exercise perform much better in special thinking and memory From people who just sit and do no exercises.

#2 The human brain evolved too

This rule says that it took Humans a million years to get such an amazing brain, first we had only a lizard brain. which used to activate only the basic functions of the body. Like maintaining the heart rate, breathing, waking, sleeping and waking, it could not do any complex work. 

Then it added some more AMYGDALA we got a cat brain which made us capable of new things like we could kill the prey and run away by seeing the predator. And after many years, the cortex was added to it. Which could do deep communication with internal parts of the brain like we got speaking skill, memory and processing power. All this improvement happened when humans came to Savannah. 

And then we learned to walk on two legs instead of 4 legs. Because of which our body needs less energy. That extra energy used to develop brain due to which we got this amazing complex brain.

#3 Every brain is wired differently

Michael Jordan one of the best basketball players in the world. He joined baseball in 1994 leaving basketball, and Jordan suffered one loss after another. He made 11 mistakes in the outfield and scored the lowest that season. Many people could not understand why this happened because many skills match in baseball and basketball.

The researchers say that this happened because whatever we physically do with our body. According of that is the wiring change in our brain. So if two people had the exact same incident Even then, at the same place their brain will not be able to store the information in the same way.

#4 We don't pay attention to boring things

In a very amazing research, researchers came to know that at a time we can focus on only one thing, that is, we do not made for multitasking. This means Even if our senses are looking at something, then with in few seconds they will delete the maximum No. of data of them so that our brain can focus on the one thing.

Researchers say that if we want to get attention on anything, then we must be emotionally aroused. That's why advertising shown on T.V. is emotional so that we can remember it.

#5 Repeat to remember

If you have memory problems, listen to this brain rule. We can improve our memory skills if we recall that information in the same environment in which we had learned it. That is, if we have to give exam in exam hall, then we should try that whenever we study our room should look like exam hall so that we can recall that information.

#6 Remember to repeat

This brain rule says that the maximum information we forget in the first few minutes. The long term memories is created during the communication of the hippocampus and cortex. That is, if we have to remember things for a long time, then we should remember more things related to the same information and we should keep revising these information at equal time.

#7 Sleep well think well

I had the misconception that sleep is a big time waste. The more hours I'll spend on studying, the more I will be able to achieve and I used to try hard to sleep less and so I was always in a tired and reactive state. Obviously science has been proved, the less sleep we take, the more negative Consequences we can have.

Less sleep reduces our attention, has a negative effect on our memory, deteriorates our mood, even logical thinking has a negative impact and together we can have diseases related to body movement.

In a case study, researchers proved that if NASA's Astronaut takes even a small 26-minute nap, their performance can be improved by up to 34%. This is because our brain neurons show activities in a very rhythmic way. In short, whatever we had learned throughout the day they replay it at bedtime. This is a short way to speed up the brain .To take a small nap.

These are the 7 points out of 12 which i have told you from the book brain rules. If you want to learn other 5 comment below.

Thank you.

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