Einstein: His Life and Universe(part 1)

                                by Walter Isaacson

Einstein: His life and Universe, baby Einstein, all about Einstein, Albert Einstein toys, Einstein, Albert Einstein fame, Life of Albert Einstein, rearches of Einstein, theory of relativity, general Relativity theory of Einstein, Albert Einstein in America, Wives of Einstein


What if I could ride my bicycle along with a light beam? What would it be like to travel at the speed of light? Some similar thoughts came to Einstein's mind when he was 16 years old. His Imagination power was very strong, so he probably had ideas that seemed impossible to others whether the idea of ​​Curving of Light or Curving of Reality. Only Albert Einstein could come. Due to his curly hair and intelligent mind, he can be recognized in the crowd of millions, although Einstein preferred to work alone but shared his every new discovery with the world.

He loved being alone while studying day and night in his apartment. Still he was an international celebrity who Inspired whole world. In 1905, he laid the foundation of quantum physics. At that time Einstein claimed that light can act as both wave and Particle. That year he brought another special relative (E = mc2). In 1905, Total five papers of Einstein's became public, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, in fact he was a genius who worked on great discoveries. Einstein brought his Greatest Theory only after one Decade of Discoveries. That is,"The theory of general relativity".

It was only after the arrival of this theory that the era of classic physics came to an end and modern physics began. This theory helped us understand the Universe from a more accurate view which is more effective than Newton's theory. Einstein continued to work till death. In the old age, there was a craze in him. He wanted to discover the theory of everything. His Unified Field Theory combined quantum mechanics, general relativism, electromagnetism and gravity into a set of law. 

That is to say, Unified Theory can explain everything in the Universe, from very small electrons to big planets, and even today physicists are in the search to understand quantum physics more and more, although in the quantum world There are the probabilities, so many questions are still being answered by science, but its basic principal is that electrons can act in both wave and particle and due to this discovery, today we are able to use modern technology.


Einstein could not speak until he was two years old, so his parents took him to the doctor. He was afraid that he might be dumb but then Einstein started speaking. He used to repeat it loudly before speaking anything. Her family started to think of him as a special child.

He once said that because of his wild imagination and childlike curiosity, he used to see what the rest of the people could not see, people go downhill, travel in a fast train or see a lightning fall, then they have all these things it seems part of life, but Einstein used to think these normal things are mystery and he used to find the reason for their existence.

Einstein's grandfather, great-grandfather  was a jews businessman, his family always lived a happy and comfortable life. These people lived in Swabia, a beautiful village in South West Germany. In Einstein's family, everyone was intelligent and educated, he used to think secular and independent.

Albert Einstein's Father was Herman Einstein and Mother Pauline Koch. Herman was a proud businessman, while Pauline was a strong-willed lady, both lovingly raising their children and trying to give them a comfortable life in every way.

When Albert was one year old, his family was shifted to Munich. His Uncle Jacob invited Albert's father to start an electric supply business. Jacob was an engineer, while Herman, a salesman, They Used to take the electrical contract in Towns of South Germany. 

when Albert was 2 years old his sister born. He was named Maja, when Albert  saw his younger sister for the first time, he said, "okay, but where are the wheels?" Because he felt that she was a toy that his parents brought for him, later a loving relationship between the two siblings that they lived all their ages.

In Munich, the Einstein family had a big house around which there was a luxurious garden Albert's childhood was very comfortable and happy, because of this living and nature in the environment, his immigration power was so strong. He had a habit of daydreaming and he often roamed alone, He Loved to make building sets and solving puzzle.

He used to make big complex structures in the game. Maja used to say that Albert with his cards can built up to the Fourteen floors building. During the age of five two big amazing things happened , he got a gift from his parents which largely influential his life and Personality.

The first gift was given by a father, a compass, and the second was given by his mother to him a violin. one day young Einstein had high fever, he was lying on the bed, his father was sitting next to him, he gave Albert a compass.

Einstein was surprised to see this gift, he carefully looked at the small needle of the compass which turned around when the direction was changing, and was eager to know how the compass worked, then a few days later when Mother gave him a violin. Albert started learning violin.

Pauline Einstein herself played a very good piano, both Albert and his mother juggling piano and violin together. Mozart was his favorite musician. Mozart's music for Albert was pure beauty. Albert felt that the beauty of the sonata is as magical as the universe.

Then in 1884 there was a problem with the Einstein family, Albert's father was reduced to getting contracts. from Munich. They had to shift to Milan, Italy by selling his beautiful and luxurious house of Munich. because Albert's father was getting a better opportunity there. But Albert was yet to remain in the Munich for 3 years. because his basic education had not yet been completed. but in 1884 Christmas, He did not return to the Munich after the holidays.

He got a certificate of illness by his family doctor . And sent to school and himself boarded a train going to Italy. He went to his family and had a reason to leave Munich. If he lived in Germany for another year, he would have to join the army. Albert did not want to do this at all. Later Albert spoke to his father and took back his citizenship of Germany.

He wanted to study in Zurich Polytechnic, so he moved to Switzerland where he passed the entrance exam of Science and Math in first class. but he failed in French, Political, Literature, despite this he got admission.

The Zurich Polytechnic

Albert Einstein was now 17 years old, he attended special classes in Math and Physics, He was concerned with his mother's relative in the Zurich who cared Albert. He received a monthly pocket money of 100 Swiss Franks. out of which Albert Used to carry his students lodging. He used to save 20 frank every month so that he could become a Swiss citizen.

The most important thing that happened to him in Zurich Polytechnic was that he met his future wife here, Mileva Maric, who was the daughter of a Proud Serbian.

His father had sent him to study Physics and Math. Mileva had taken admission in the Top Competitive Schools. Till the age of 21, Mileva studied from Zurich Polytechnic.  She was the only girl in Einstein's class. Albert and Mileva fell in love with each other while studying together.

Both of them wrote each other many letters in these letters, both used to express their love for science and each other, they used to discuss the lectures and read books together, although Albert's mother did not like her.

She was smart but not as common as the rest of the girls. but Albert love Mileva wholeheartedly, he used to call her "Doli" and "My Wild Little Rascal" affectionately. Mileva also kept a nickname for him, "Johnny" and she called him "My Wicked Little Sweetheart".In 1890 Einstein's Graduation Completed.

Although he was not a favorite student of his teachers, yet he got top marks but Mileva could not pass due to low grade but she promised that she will continue her studies.

The Lovers

Two years after graduation, Albert was looking for a job, his professor at the Zurich polytechnic refused to make him his assistant, As he did not forget his rebellious behavior. Albert could not find jobs in Institution.

Albert thought he could start teaching tuition until he could get some other job, finally he got his Swiss citizenship as well, otherwise after leaving Germany, he was still jobless.

He used to say that he likes Switzerland's Democratic and Human system more. During the summer of 1901, he took a romantic vacation with Mileva in Como Village. There were beautiful mansions to visit and they went for hiking on the mountains as well. Mileva became pregnant during this vacation.

In his letter to Mileva, he always used to promise that he would soon find a good job so that he could get married and settle down, but Einstein took a long time to find a permanent job. 

In the meantime, Mileva again gave graduation exams but this time she failed too. She came back to her parents Novi sad. At her parent's house, Mileva gave birth to a daughter whom she named lieserl. Albert still  Used to send the letters. but he never went to Novi Sad to meet her. 

What happened to the lieserl later is still a mystery. It is said that she was adopted by Mileva's best friend but it is also believed that, She died at the age 3 years due to scarlet fever.

Mileva alone returned to Zurich. Albert and Mileva got married in 1903. They married in the witnesses of two friends in court. 1904 Hans Albert Einstein was born Mileva and Albert's first son who returned happiness to their relationship again. In 1910 they had a second son Edward. Shortly after the birth of Edward, Albert and Mileva were divorced and Hans Albert grew up and become an engineer. Albert's younger son Edward had problems with extreme mental illness. He lived in mental hospital all his life.

the miracle year: Quanta and Molecules, 1905

Someone told Einstein that his third-class patent clerk job is very boring. Swiss was considered this job lowest standard in the patent office, but despite this Albert continued to do the job and after 1 year he became permanent, probably due to his slow going. he used to get time to think more deeply about things. 1905 was a very productive year for Einstein. For many decades, people believed that Sir Isaac Newton's classic physics science is the ultimate truth in the world of everything from falling apples from tree to orbiting of moon, every reason to the law of force, mass, motion. And gravity was considered.

According to Newton, there is a reason for everything that can be explain. In 1905 Einstein wrote five papers to his friend Conrad Habicht, but what did he know that his letter would change the world of science at this time?His ideas of quanta and relativity were questioned a lot,which is why Einstein choose his papers on molecular science for his doctoral thesis to Habicth. His first paper was on Properties of Light.

In this paper, he wrote that light can act both as a wave and a stream of particles, these small particles are called quanta. His second paper was on the size of the molecules, at that time the discovery was that, the gas of equal volume If set with a little temperature and pressure, we can detect the molecule inside it and Einstein was the first scientist who discovered new theory about the molecules of liquid. If a lot of sugar is shot in a cup, it will become sugar syrup and you cannot dissolve any more sugar in it. Einstein got the idea from here and he took out the liquid molecule equation.

His third paper was about Brownian motion. If you put a liquid under the microscope, we will see small moving particles in it, which are called molecules. Einstein explained that these little particles are constantly moving because of colliding with each other.

Special Relativity 1905

At the end of the year Einstein wrote two more papers to Conrad Habicht. The fourth paper was about special relativity and the fifth paper was about Einstein's famous equation E = mc2

The basic concept of relativity came from the idea of ​​Galileo in 1632 because Galileo supported Copernicus's idea. The earlier scientists thought that Earth is at the center of the Universe and the rest of the planets revolved around it. Scientists would argue that if the Earth Really revolving, as Copernicus said, why do we not know, and this is where Galileo and his relativity concept works, because the movement of  earth cannot feel because it is constantly moving.

Just like we travel in a smooth selling ship and we do not know that the ship is moving, Galileo said that when you go inside the cabin, you do not feel the ship's slow movement, you would feel like you are at home. You know that the ship is moving but can't feel. if you keep any hourglass in the cabin or fish bowl. Goldfish will swim in the bowl comfortably and the hourglass sand will keep falling in motion.

So when something moves continuously it is in rest mode in a way, then in a way we cannot say which object is moving because both of them are moving against each other. Einstein discovered the special theory of relativity. And this theory was special because this theory only applies to moving objects, so Einstein gave a moving train example to explain this. Suppose you are standing on the train platform, when the train is moving, you see the passengers are moving inside, but those passengers will see you and the rest of the platform is moving backwards.

Now think that you are still standing on the platform, you are in the center of both the points. Point A and Point B. Only then lightning strikes at both points. Striking on same time, but the passenger who will be on the train near Point A will see Lightning fall before Point B on Point A. Similarly, the passenger who is near point B will first see lightning at point B so there is no wrong or right answer.

Lightning will be visible to you and both those passengers from the platform at different times because everyone has a different perspective, so at what point do you think lightning must have occurred before, point A or point B. And thus Einstein took out the conclusion that is,Time is also a relative thing. Newton made this discovery long ago that space is absolute,but the rest of the scientist was seeing loopholes in this idea. After 10 years of discovering the special idea of ​​Relativity, Theory of Relativity to Einstein published the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein also added the theory of gravity and accelerated motion.

In the meantime, he sent his fifth and final paper to Habicht, which is his famous formula. From the theory of relativity, Einstein drew the formula of E = mc2. The energy of an object is equal to its mass, multiplied by the square of speed of light. Speed ​​of light is a big number in itself.

That is why if you have the same energy source as a raisin, then a day's electricity need can be fulfilled in New York, but Einstein did not know that his formula in the future would create an atom bomb. Atomic bomb was used in world war II. That had completely destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima, this atomic bomb was so deadly, that even months later thousands of people were killed by its light radiation.

General Relativity 1911-1915

Special relativity only applies to objects that run at a constant speed, but soon Einstein understood that this is not enough, a theory should also be for those objects that run at great speed, before general relativity, the scientist believed. That space and time are different from each other and gravity only works on empty space because Newton had explained the universe in a similar way. His Law of Motion runs concurrently with the idea.

Although the discovery of Einstein changed the world of science.  Lots of new theories, new concepts and new ideas came out, like General Theory of Relativity for Example, it helped us understand the universe in a better way, it brought a revolution in the world of science. Who changed the concept of relativity but it was not so easy.

Einstein took 4 years to complete his study, during this time there was a lot of ups and downs in his life, but Einstein was busy in his work, he was so dedicated to his work that his family life was also ignored. In 4 years, Einstein and Mileva had such a distance that the two separated forever. Einstein promised that he would spend time with his son, but due to his ideas and equation, he could not make time out.

He used to say. Science saves me from the problem of my personal life. Anyway Einstein was a little shy of nature. No matter how difficult the theory was, he preferred to solve alone. In his apartment in Berlin there were always papers and books scattered around. Einstein works day and night. He remembers eating and sleeping only when he felt hungry or sleepy when he was 36 years old  his theory of general relativity finally collapsed. but by then his marriage and family life was completely ruined.

Despite this, Einstein was happy that his last dream which was fulfilled was that he considered General Relativity Theory as his
greatest achievement.General Relativity says that space and time are not two separate things,both of them create spacetime together.
We try to understand this with trempoline fabric,if you roll a bowling ball in it.the fabric will go bent.

If you take some billiard ball,it will go like a bowling ball which has more flesh. The bowling ball and billiard ball will cover the fabric and then the cover of the fabric will design the motion and path of the balls. Now Imagine that these balls are the planets of this universe and the Trempoline is Universe. This is the easiest way to explain General Relativity.

The theory also says that time is not the same for all observers, time is relative and time is too large and gravity and velocity can affect it. GPS means the global positioning system works on the concept of time dilation. Imagine that you are driving in the middle. Due to gravity, the time of surface of the earth is slow, and the pull-off gravity covers spacetime. GPS space satellite adjusts its time in space so that it can send accurate and timed direction in your phone. Without time dilation, GPS will not work at all.

Another exam is Twins Scenario. Suppose there is twin babies. One is in the earth and the other is traveling in a rocket near the speed of light. Now, after 80 years, the brother living in the earth will be old, while the brother traveling near the speed of light will have only 1 day of the day, the more time you stay close to the speed of light, the more time you will get slow. It also expresses that black holes actually occur.

But these black holes are very large, their gravitational force is very strong and so strong light cannot pass through them.In theory, if an astronaut goes near black holes then his body will spread like noodles because gravity will pull his legs more than his head. Einstein continued working on Unified field theory till death. General Relativity in large scale Explains this universe, which tells us about the planets galaxy and black holes.

While quantum mechanics discuses this vast universe of ours at small levels, inside it comes subjects such as electromagnetic, atoms, electrons and quarks. Einstein and the rest of the scientists believe that there is a theory of everything that connects general relativity and quantum mechanics. Parents and the rest of the matter are made up of sub-atoms, so there will definitely be the set of law that Controls everything in this world.

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