Einstein : His Life and Universe(part 2)

by Walter Isaacson

Fame 1919

During his stay in Berlin, Einstein met Elsa, who was his first cousin, and whom he had met in childhood, and then he married Elsa in 1919. It was the same year when he got divorced from Mileva. Elsa had two daughters from first marriage, Margot and Llse. When Einstein got name and fame, Elsa was always with him.

After the war, the whole world was hoping that humanity was not completely finished yet, perhaps there was a hope, humans could not be so cold and violent that the world would end. and that is where,We get the importance from Einstein's Theory of  General Relativity. The Times of London news paper had a headline in big words, Revolution in Science, New Theory of the Universe, Newtonian Idea, Over throne.

The press knew that people now needed a new international celebrity. Now Einstein was not a typical scientist, so the interest of the people had increased even more, his big eyes were scattered with his hair, and he used to show them a very different show. He was still in his 40s, and above all, he liked to be in the spotlight himself. He always used to talk funny, he used to say that he does not like publicity, but in real it was not.

He could have stayed away from interviews or party invitations like the rest of the Scientists, but Einstein used to go to the Red Carpet movie premiere with Elsa and Charlie Chaplin. His relativitiy theory was really a ground-breaking theory, but his publicity love made him more  popular.

His image with curly hair and big black eyes had become an international icon. He wrote in a letter to one of his friends that his celebrity status was not allowing him to live peacefully and because of this, he could not do his job well. Despite this, he kept coming in front of the camera and made people laugh with his funny quotes.

The Refugee

In 1921, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Photoelectric Effect, based on the paper he published in 1905, although Scientists were still understanding application of General Relativity on large scale.

Therefore, he could not get the award for this theory, long before Einstein knew that he would get the Nobel Prize on the 1st day, he promised Mileva that he would give the price money to her and her sons.

On this condition, Mileva was ready to give the Divorce. Einstein's point proved to be true and he received the Nobel Prize. Between 1921 and 1932, Einstein traveled Abroad many times in Japan, Singapore, Palestine and Spain etc. In their first visit to the United States. He gave several lectures at Princeton University and Columbia University. In 1930, he went to the US for the second time. 

At that time, he was to be a research fellow at the caltech or California Institute for Technology. In 1933, when Hitler came to power, Einstein understood that he would no longer be able to go to Germany again, he is a jewish, so he became a refugee in Belgium and England for some time. He was also offered teaching from Oxford University but after 1935 Einstein took the decision to stay in the US.


Einstein worked on Unified Field Theory at the Institute of Advanced Study and this is where he proved it wrong by studying quantum mechanics. Physicists like Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg created the Idea of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics s actually started with this idea, It was said that if a light wave party can act like particle, then that particle can also act like a wave.

So subatomic particles or electrons or other things can also be represented through a wave although it is not possible to determined the properties of a moving wave in a specific time and hence the physicists studied electrons through sets of wavelengths which resulted in, That the electron position has probabilities and this concept is called superposition. This was the reason that Einstein said "God Doesn't Play Dice".

There was a heated debate between Einstein and his fellow scientists Niels Bohr about the probabilities of quantum mechanics and Einstein, and  according to Bohr, an electron wavelength can be observed from an experimental reality. This is a basic principal of quantum mechanics. Humans were not willing to believe this at all. They used to live in an objective reality which happens separately whether observe or not.

The Bomb

Einstein went on vacation to Long Island when his scientist friend from Hungary came looking for him. Einstein was sitting in his small boat listening to songs with a local store owner with a pair of sandals. When he came back to Mercury Street, his Hungarian friend physicist "Leo Szillard" came to him.

Szillard had studied a nuclear fission chain reaction. He told Einstein that a very large bomb could be made from uranium. Szillard feared that, if Germany got uranium, it would make a bomb from it and blow up the whole world. Einstein look situation seriously and he decide that he had to do something. He hated military power and nazi power anyway. He was surprised how people in America can openly share their opinions without any fear. Einstein knew Alexander Sachs, who was an economics and also the personal friend of President Franklin Roosevelt.

Einstein wrote him letters so that Roswell also got a sense of the seriousness of this matter. Later Szillard and the rest of the physicists were asked to study the a exploitative nuclear reaction. On August 6, 1945, Einstein was taking an afternoon sleep in the saranac lake, he took a cottage on rent for summer. When he woke up to drink tea, his personal assistant Helen Dukes reported him to drop an atomic bomb in Hiroshima. "Oh my God" just came out of Einstein.

Three days later a second atomic bomb attack occurred on Nagasaki, then somehow Szillard and the rest of the Hungarian physicists were asked to build an atomic bomb in defense of Hitler's Nazi power. In 1945, Szillard came to Einstein twice and shared his Concern. This time Germany was losing to the army of other countries. Szillard was sure that the Nazis would not be able to build an atomic bomb again, so why was the American military so interested in the Manhattan Project. 1945 Szillard and the rest of the scientist warns the new president Harry S. Truman not to use nuclear weapons.

But then such a thing happened. The one who embarrassed humanity, Time magazine had declared Einstein as the Father of Atomic Bomb in its front cover, first he did government research 
and then created this equation E = mc2. which was used in nuclear bombs. This was the turning point in Einstein's life. who was a hero to millions of people, became a villain in an instant, and what could have been better that the responsibility of all this destruction be put to the head of a German physicist. But it was Einstein who was unaware and Enjoying of his summer vacation and tea.

The End

In his 75th year, Einstein had an aneurysm disease in his stomach, he had a fatal stomach ache, but he still used to come daily to the institute. His theory of everything was still in search. He filled his black board with equations everyday. He used to work on his theory with a new approach, but there was something missing and he stuck back to the starting point and quantum mechanics kept moving around in his mind.

But one thing was Einstein Sure that, somewhere there is a reality which is different from the Observer, well he also believed that he was very stubborn, he was not one of those who gave up so easily, so he gave quantum mechanics Looking for a method to connect with reality. One day when Einstein came to the institute, he suffered a terrible stomach ache "everything is fine", his research assistant asked him. On this Einstein replied "everything is fine but Not me".

The next day the doctor called him for an operation. There was a surgeon who could possibly treat his aneurysm, but Einstein refused, saying that "he would prefer to die rather than live his life in an artificial way". He did, what he had to do. Now the time has come for him to leave this world and take him to the hospital immediately.

And on the morning of Sunday, Einstein told his personal assistant to bring his glasses, pencils and paper. He was feeling a bit better so he wanted to do some calculations, as long as he could work. He did it, when the pain was not tolerated. So he went to sleep and Monday 18 April 1955 at about 1:00 pm Einstein at the age of 76 said goodbye to this world forever.

Near his death bed, 12 pages were found filled with equations in which he had done equations and cross outs at several places and it was paper-proof that Einstein was trying to find out the Unified Field Theory till death.

Einstein's brain and Einstein's mind

Otto Nathan Einstein's college friend was deeply shocked by his death and therefore did not notice that a Princeton University pathologist removed Einstein's brain from an electric saw by cutting Einstein's skull,A fifth grade child, at Princeton Discussing death, a little boy said, "My dad has taken out his brain. The man who took Einstein's brain and preserved it for 40 years was Thomas Harvey. He keep the brain like the world's most precious thing was hidden inside the cookie jar.

Then for many years after that Harvey kept sending samples of Einstein's brain to those who wanted to examine his brain. He would send a Slide to researchers of the brain and ask if you would like to do research on it, like this Einstein's brain were cut many times in Many slides  but no result came out. Thomas Harvey when he was 85 years old, he disseminated that now he will pass his precious treasure to someone. He went to the Princeton university with that cookie jar and Handed over to the current pathologist.

Einstein wanted his dead body to be burnt rather than buried and the ashes scattered around, he did not like the idea of ​​building Tomb on his body by burying it, so after his death as he wanted his body was burnt. In the research that was conducted in the recent years, 17% more neurons were found in his brain than the normal brain, their corpus callosum was much thicker than the average "fiber between the two parts of the brain". But now the question is Einstein's brain birth was like this or because of his constant thinking it became.

If you didn't read part 1 please read it first, then part 2.You can also follow us by email. Thank you

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